Tuesday, November 24, 2009


taking tank/coral pix is tough! i maxed out the memory card, formatted, maxed it out again, then culled all the bad shots. here are the good ones, if you can even call them "good"... bleh!


new monti's from caitlen + quinn:
(blue polyp)



(strawberry patch)

(orange digitata)

(green digitata)

(purple haze)

pre-vsv shots:
(maxima w/ cool zebra stripes)
(hardy yellow acro colony)

(pretty purple gorgoinian)

(hot pink chalice)
(deepwater lobo)
(super red superman)
(blue mili)
(atl pink lemonade)
(ailing fluorescent pink acro colony)

(angry algae'd firetip monti... luckily snails like algae! chomp! chomp!)
(our ailing atl bonzai that fell into the hammer!)

(ziggy stardust slowly gaining color)

(mystery ora acro that has a tinge of green under actinics)
(mystery yellow-green ora prostrata?)
(another mystery ora acro... it's polyps are out which is a good sign!)

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